Your baby measures about 10.4 inches from crown to rump, or a total length of about 16.7 inches from head to toe, and weighs about 2.7 pounds. At this stage a fetus' eyes are almost always blue and can distinguish bright sunlight or artificial light through the wall of the uterus. Pregnancy is performing fewer acrobatics as conditions in the womb have become cramped now that he is getting bigger. Your uterus is about 3.5 to 4 inches above your navel.
How far along? 29 Weeks
Total Weight Gain? 13 pounds
Baby's Heartbeat: 142 bpm (at 29 weeks)
Maternity clothes? Maternity pants are nice!!!
Movement? YES! Kicks, punches, flips, rolls ... you name it, baby can do it!
Food cravings: Not really. Still using pregnancy as an excuse to eat ice cream ... often!
Gender: Maybe a boy .... maybe a girl. Had a dream that we had a boy ... but when the baby was born - he was a 2 year old. Weird. Not sure if that counts.
Labor Signs: We will learn what that is in our Child Birthing Class coming up!
Belly Button in or out? It's just getting a little wider.
What I miss:
What I am looking forward to: Our upcoming baby showers!!!!!!!! :)
Weekly Wisdom: All the books, articles and stories from people about back aches, and feet hurting, hungry, tired, potty breaks all the time, and all that pregnancy stuff ... it's all true!
Milestones: According to our last ultrasound on Friday - baby is 3 whole pounds!!!! I keep imagining and little bitty teddy bear size baby in my belly ... like the size of a Beany Baby ... but not the case. Baby is 3 pounds and almost 17 inches long!!!!! Yes .... 17 inches! So baby only has a few more inches to grow before birth. Crazy!
Daddy to-be thoughts/comments: "Are you sure we're ready for this?" - Matt.
I decided recently that I am really glad I am doing this blog thing. When baby is born I plan on printing it out and putting in his/her baby book. Then I can look back and see what was going on when ... because I have already forgotten so much! The trick will be to keep records for each baby if we are blessed with more.
The past 4 weeks have flown by. I only have 30 more days of actual work left and about 11 more weeks until baby is born. Unless baby comes early ... then it will be less. Ahhh! I am trying to prepare myself mentally for all possibilities. Wowzers.
Here is the latest belly picture at 29 weeks.
You know you are pregnant when .... you are laying on your side on the floor and your neice brings you a book to read. She hands you the book and sits on your protruding belly like it's a chair! Yes ... she did.
I feel like baby is growing everyday! And for the first time ... my back started hurting yesterday ... and my feet. What the world. But, who knew that Matthew's secret talent was feet rubbing? He has a true gift!!! Amazing. I told him I am more than happy being pregnant ... if he rubs my feet. :) Seems to be a good trade off ... for him. HA!
And, that's the latest. Our dr's appts are getting closer together, so that is fun. The last appt was the glucose test and all came back normal. All that really means to me is that it's still ok to eat ice cream. The dr mentioned I was measuring small, so she had me do an ultrasound. I didn't mind that one bit! Everything came back normal on the ultrasound ... baby is just fine. It was fun seeing the little rascal again ... kicking away!
This weekend we are going to Lake Texana for the day with the camping crew. Should have pictures for next week! Have a great week!