Monday, September 28, 2009

25 Weeks!

Your developing baby now measures about 8.8 inches from crown to rump and weighs 1.5 pounds. Skin now becomes opaque instead of transparent. Its body is still covered with folds of skin like a puppy that need to grow into its skin. The heartbeat can be heard through a stethoscope or, depending on the position of the baby, by others putting an ear against your belly. Besides your uterus growing upward, it may be getting bigger on the sides of your abdomen.

How far along? 25 Weeks
Total Weight Gain? 11 pounds
Baby's Heartbeat: 134 bpm (at 24 weeks)
Maternity clothes? Maternity pants are nice!!!
Movement? YES! Bouncy bouncy ....
Food cravings: The ice cream is gone (almost) and after my last dr's visit and stepping on the scale, I need not buy anymore ice cream! Lately I have been into baking though. :)
Gender: Maybe a boy .... maybe a girl
Labor Signs: What's that? :)
Belly Button in or out? It's just getting a little wider.
What I miss: These days I am not really missing too much. Getting use to waking up every hour to go to the bathroom, and use to not drinking wine in the evenings (although I still miss it), and use to just getting bigger. It's hard to miss anything from before pregnancy when you sit around all day and feel and watch the baby move and kick and just come alive. All the stuff before baby will come back, but these little 3 months will not be here long.
What I am looking forward to: Ya know those winter days when it's cold and your bed is SO warm and the last thing you want to do is get up and go to work .... well, I am looking forward to just staying in bed with the baby when winter comes around.
Weekly Wisdom: All women are different, all moms are different, all babies are different, all births are different ....... everything is different.
Milestones: Baby is listening to Yanni now ... yes, Yanni. And dancing too! As soon as the baby hears music ... the flips and jumps and kicks start coming!
Daddy to-be thoughts/comments: His face was priceless when he first saw the baby trying to get out of my belly. This child was doing full out flips and jump kicks!

1 comment:

  1. Steph... this is great. I love it!!!! Yes, I wish we lived closer so we could get on a workout routine together. From what I can read it looks like you're loving pregnancy! It really is amazing isn't it!!!!

    Jamon and I are living in Naples... not sure where that is in regards to the beach y'all are visiting. But if I find out it's close, we're coming to see you!

    Blessings to you.

